Multicloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Easy Deploy

Write your Web Application once, in almost any programing language, and deploy to almost any Cloud provider with a few clicks.

Katrum is Multicloud

Katrum is the only PaaS that currently supports easy deployment to 14 Cloud Providers around the world, including : AWS EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Digital Ocean , Linode, Hetzner, Upcloud, OVH, Scale Way, IONOS , AWS LIghtsail and Vultr.

Katrum Supports a wide range of programming Languages

Katrum supports easy deployment of your WebApp and API written in almost any programming language including JavaScript, Python, Node.js, Ruby, Scala, Clojure, C#, Java, GO, Rust, Php, Static HTML, Angular, React, Vue, Blazor, DotNet, Python Django, Python FastAPI, Python Flask, Docker.

Katrum provides Easy Tools for Publish

Deploy from your computer using our Desktop App on Windows, Mac or Linux. Also, automate the process using our CLI for Windows, Mac or Linux. You can deploy directly from Git using our WebConsole.


Deploy from your favorite IDE including Visual Code, Jetbrains, Visual Studio and more to come.

Service Plans

From using Katrum infrastructure on any cloud providers, to Bring Your Own Cloud, Katrum has a service plan for your start-up.


Scale your infrastructure with ease from a few containers to thousands: no need to learn Kubernetes, Docker, Yaml, Terraform, etc.


For Solo Developers and DevTeams : Katrum allows them to automate and simplify the process to deploy applications to almost any cloud with a few clicks, from the comfort of their computer.

Compare Clouds

Katrum makes really easy to compare the performance of your App on several clouds. Simultaneously in a cost effective way.

Multiple Servers

Deploy to more than 370 servers around the world